LukeLeal's Lair Raid Knowledge Base
A collection of tips and movesets guides by the self-proclaimed best raider
Welcome to my Lair Raid Knowledge Base!
ATTENTION: THIS GUIDE IS NOT COMPLETELY UP TO DATE WITH ARBURY CHANGES. Most of the tips and movesets should still be decent, however. I'll gradually update it in the following weeks. Tems that have a "*" after their name have already been reviewed.
This guide is still sort of under construction. Please Understand. If you have any feedback, feel free to hit me up in Discord. LukeLeal#8750 .
Last uptaded on: 2021-Dec-17.
Knowledge Base changelog:
- Updated / validated movesets for Vulcrane, Volarend, Pocus, Saku and Zizare.
- Gyalis suggested moveset added. Pretty sure all tems are actually covered now.
- Updated suggested moveset section formatting. Much less scrolling is needed now.
- Two new educational gameplay commentary added!
2021-Sept-18 & 19:
- Very important note about Kamikaze Overexertion added.
- Lair tier list updated :>
- Updated movesets and notes for Hedgine, Skunch, Kalabyss, Scaravolt, Tateru, Capyre and Toxic-Chromeon
- Saku moveset finally added | > mfw lair knowledge base didn't actually have moveset for all tems
Q: What is this NOT?
A: A tutorial on what a lair is, how to unlock them, their base mechanics, etc.. I recommend Millarz’s videos on them if you are looking for that. You can find them on TG's home page. :)
Q: What is this, then?
A: A not so organized compilation of everything I’ve learned playing lairs. I’ve done more raids than I’d like to admit. As you could see by the subtitle, I’ve put my modesty aside and admit that I think I’m quite good at this game mode. :)
Most of the stuff I’ve written is shaped by the way I usually raid. So keep in mind that there are obviously some biased views. Nothing is set in stone (except that bonuses are great :> ). A lot of the decisions that have to be made during a raid comes down to experience and “feeling”. I hope every reader can use this guide to get better at raiding. Eventually creating their own “playstyle”. :D
I plan to actually organize this in future updates, as well as adding new info according to my experience in raids.
I have recorded a few lair runs focused on explaining the thought proccess behind every choice I make. Check them out!
(The lines below are actually clicable links that direct you to my youtube videos - sorry for the weird UI =P)
- Temtem Lair Educational Commentary 1: Anak
- Temtem Lair Educational Commentary 2: Lake
- Being creative vs Lair bosses - Commentated gameplay with a weird team vs Tyranak
- Being creative vs Lair bosses - 2 Momos vs Tyranak!
- Battling Tyranak with only two Temtems! Lair raid educational commentary
- If there's one thing I hope everyone who reads this guide remembers is the following: Bonuses are love. Bonuses are life. I think the cause behind every lair run I had that was not a smooth sailing, was because I fucked up hard and wiped the team did not get enough bonuses at the start. An early bonus will help you stay alive throughout the entire road. While gems are only truly needed at the end. Some bonuses will even help you get more gems!
- Just don’t forget to start getting gems at some point. I usually do so around half the road. Adapt accordingly to your gem boosting bonuses, current gem amount.
- In the early road, after beating a tamer, you should do the following: Open the map and check what are the spaces right ahead of you. Do you believe you can handle them with your current squad? If your team has low hp, or shares many weaknesses, you likely cannot, so you should get a random tem. But if you are confident in your squad, get a bonus!
- At a shop, look ahead of the map and get the necessary medicine. You need to prepare yourself for those double 3 stars at the end. If not prepared, they can kill an otherwise perfect run .
- No Bonus should be underestimated. You often get many bonuses like “X type Tems / Techniques will do Y% more damage”. Players may not care too much about those (guess because some others are straight up busted lol), but all of them can have quite an impact. Look at all the ones you have and focus on the Tems that benefit the most from them (if you have any =P). They also stack up insanely well! With a handful of damage bonuses, a Lv. 92 Rhoulder will be at like Lv 200 offensively.
- The Tems you face will have some odd movesets. Like, any Babawa won't have Water Cutting Lily. Loalis will always use Photosynthesis turn 1, etc.. This is because their movesets are based on the 4 last moves they learn by levelling up. The only exception is if those 4 moves don't include a hold 0 move. Then the highest level hold 0 move they've learned previously will replace the lowest level one in their current moveset.
- The AI won’t use moves whose overexertion damage would kill themselves. That is considering the HP they have when they are picking the move. I'm not sure if they consider exhaustion extra stamina drain in this. THERE'S ONE EXCEPTION: Tems will do a kamikaze overexertion move if it will win them the match this turn. Even if it's their ally who deals the finishing blow. You can sort of abusing this by using your turn to revive another tem instead of attacking =P.
- Picking your leads is one of the most important factors in the outcome of the battles. You don’t know what Tems you’ll face, but you can avoid leading with Tems that are weak to the same types (or can’t hit them well). A bad lead will swing the momentum heavily in the NPCs favour. So you should try to increase your odds of a good matchup.
- That being said, you often find yourself in the following situation: You have a duo that’s stupidly good due to broken synergies and / or stacked bonuses, but they share crippling weaknesses. It’s totally fine to ignore their drawbacks and gamble on them as a lead. It usually works. And at that point in the road, you probably have good backup plans anyway.
- Pay attention to the levels. Higher level Tems are obviously stronger, but they are also way faster. This changes how you should play many matchups.
- Quite obvious, but something I repeatedly forget to do: EQUIP YOUR GEARS! And buy some from the shop too if they are cheap and helpful to your tems. :>
- Not confident in your squad for the next battle? Wait a little bit. Maybe someone else will get a game changing bonus.
- There’s actually one possible benefit of getting at least a gem early. Offerings for gems will start to pop up. Those trades are usually worth it. Specially early on. You can trade a gem for like 2 bonuses and other goodies. Stonks!
- A similar “Offer Manipulation” can be done using gears. You can just buy a random cheap gear from an early store, and maybe the offering on the next space will ask for it.
- Tems from chests and offerings are (AFAIK) always level 100. This makes them more valuable than tems that you get from tamers. Specially the early ones, who have a much lower level.
- Chests have two different levels! AFAIK the ones with two “locks” technically behave as two chests in one. So they have more goodies inside them. Don’t ask me about more details right now. It’s not like I’ve only been told this the day before the guide was published ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
- Most Crowd Control techniques (ones that can deny opponents moves) are usually great. Fast hypnosis users can often stay in the field despite bad matchups. Slow down and Crystal Deluge users with mental teammates put the game in easy mode. Strangle is busted if you get the overexertion prevention bonus. But the best CC IMO is undoubtedly freeze. If you have a combination of Tems that can reliably set it up, they will likely carry you through the road. Unlike sleep, only a handful of Tems can avoid cold status and no bonus will wake them up at the start of the turn (lol). In fact, plenty of bonuses will even help you set it up. You can even disregard their common weakness and just lead them. Double Wiplump with Hurry-Wart bonus pretty much auto-wins the road.
- The one sort of CC move I dislike in lairs is Willpower Drain. You hardly force an OX due to the high level of stamina and don’t recover that much to justify its use. On the road, you want to either KO stuff, or hard control them (sleep / freeze). WPD doesn't cut it as a control move in this environment sadly.
Don't take this too seriously. This is focused only on the road metagame, so it does NOT consider battling vs bosses. A2 and B2 are "volatile" tems. Depending on the circumstances, they can either be on the tier above or below their letter. Valash Scavenger is S tier, but Determined is B tier. Gazuma / 0b10 with the right teammates are A tier, otherwise they are C.
- Wastewater
- Uppercut
- Perfect Jab
- Turbo Choreography / Urushiol / Tenderness
Notes: Last move will rarely be clicked on the road. Vs Tyranak, Urushiol will do more damage than uppercut (if no antibodies trait). Consider using speed boosting moves instead of the melee ones.
Volarend (Aerobic)*:
- Feather Gatling / Cold Breeze / Blizzard
- Hyperkinetic Skystrike
- Noxious Bomb / Virulent Gust
- Toxic Plume / Tornado
Notes: First move is your stamiona cheap / reliable wind move. FG will usually be the best choice. Cold Breeze only good if you have other tem who can also apply cold. Blizzard only good if you have the "-1 hold at the start" bonus. Choice between VG and NB depends on Vola stats, bonuses, water allies and of course preference. In lairs, Volarends are likely to have almost the same ATK and SPATK stat, so even though the latter is slightly higher, NB will still do more damage because of its higher base power. If you are leading it with water tem, go VG. If you want another big damage wind move, you can drop Toxic Plume for Tornado IF you have stamina bonus + stamina gear.
Volarend (Anaerobic)*:
- Noxious Bomb
- Feather Gatling
- Toxic Plume
- Purgation / Hyperkinetic Skystrike
Notes: Last spot chosen based on preference and teammates. While it can be self used to good effect, Purgation is often only really valuable in lairs if other physical attackers can also be buffed, or if fighting bosses (except Short Circuit).
- Clinch
- Savage Suplex
- Showoff
- Oshi-Dashi / Hibernate
Notes: Not a fan of Hibernate on the road, but it’s viable. Equipping chamo to block freeze isn’t good if you have regen / evasion bonus on entry. I’d only really consider it vs bosses (quite good there actually), or if I really want to heal and play slowly.
- Wastewater
- Electropunch
- Cyberclaw
- Heatup / Crystal Bite / Frond Whip
Notes: Cyberclaw is in because prio option is very important on the road. Pick the last move based on your team. Heatup mandatory vs bosses (except Short Circuit Volgon) and Overclock’s also useful. Crystal Bite and Frond Whip are good vs Volgon. Hologram is also a valid option.
- Perfect Jab
- Savage Suplex
- Ninja Jutsu
- Oshi-Dashi / Haito Uchi
Notes: Last slot is up to your prefence. I've been more fond of Oshi recently because damage good, but Haito is also fine if you want sleep control.
- Base Jump
- Goring
- Double Kick
- Bestial Charge / Double Edge / Burrow
Notes: Double kick mandatory cause always having a prio option is great. Last move is kinda up to you. I like Bestial Charge because a regular prio spread move is nice during the road. Double Edge can abuse Flank's nice spatk stat and lair spreads, but it’s rarely optimal. Burrow is nice to start future battles with evasion. Only consider Execution vs Bosses. It's very lackluster on the road.
- Tsunami
- Serbatiyo's Wrath
- Blizzard
- Water Blade / Ice Shuriken
Notes: Only go Ice Shuriken if you have another teammate that can apply cold on turn 1, or if you are Hurry-Wart and have many wind allies. Otherwise, go Water Blade.
- Plasma Beam / Harmful Microwaves
- Hellfire
- Fire Tornado
- Generify
Notes: Ever since a reader of this guide told me about Generify's miracles, it has become a mainstay in my Lair Hedgines. Even without Synergy, it still works great vs the AI. Can be used to live in crucial turns, and even "redirect" attacks. For example: If you have an ally weak to water, the opposing tem with water move will (AFAIK) still target Hedgine regardless of neutralized. I like Plasma Beam more than Harmful Microwaves because it costs less stamina, does almost the same damage AND burns, but HM is also fine if you really want the bit extra damage. Both fire moves are mandatory.
At Anak lair, Hook + Cyberclaw + Zen Meditation + Fire Tornado can slowly but surely deal with the dino.
- Uppercut
- Seismunch's Wreck
- Dim Mak
- Heat Up
Notes: Consider replacing one of your moves with Stone Wall if you want to raid boss an ally vs the boss.
- Toxic Ink
- Acid Reflux
- Stare / Hypnosis
- Narcoleptic Hit / Harmful Lick
Notes: Madness buff and refresh are nice vs bosses. Consider Virulent Gust in that case. Only run narco hit if you have sleep related gears, or running stare.
- Toxic Ink
- Harmful Lick
- Toxic Gas
- Bamboozle
Notes: Madness Buff can be great vs bosses in some conditions. With the right bonuses, Goolder can become faster than them.
- Water Cannon
- Aquatic Whirlwind
- Blizzard
- Sharp Rain / Tsunami / Cooperation
- Toxic Ink
- Waterjet
- Iced Stalactite / Aqua Stone / Strangle
- Water Blade / Strangle
Notes: Water Blade and 2 other water moves may look weird, but it's what I have used recently. WB does decent damage and makes Kala more useful turn 1 in many matchups (specially the many ones 4 times weak to water). Strangle can be abused if you have prevent over exertion bonus.
- Mud Shower
- Sting
- Venom Spread
- Toxin Shower / Earth Wave / Metabolize
Notes: Be careful with Akra allies if using Toxin Shower
- Stone Ball
- Stone Trench
- Flaming Meteorite
- Hook / Embers
Notes: Has slingshot been nerfed yet? If not, equip it on this Hooker. Only go embers if it's the first battles in the road, where fire coverage is better than setting up.
- Soil Steam
- Crystal Dust
- Crystal Deluge
- Quartz Dirt / Refresh / Stone Ball / Dust Vortex
Notes: I dislike DV because Soil Steam already fulfills the role of "strong special earth move". It can be used if you really want the extra damage (like vs bosses). I just prefer to have different options. Refresh and Turbo Choreography can be useful vs Bosses.
- Beta Burst
- Gamma Burst / Horror
- Slow Down / Hypnosis
- Ninja Jutsu / Purgation / Psychosis
Notes: If you have another mental tem besides Pocus, go Slow Down (they can be a great lead duo). If not, go hypnosis. Horror should only be used if your main strat is sleep control. Ninja jutsu is nice because of prio and is the main last move. Psychosis can be used, but I think it's usually too slow on the road metagame. Only go purg if you want to buff physical allies, or you are scared of the neurotoxins matchup.
- Beta Burst
- Revitalize
- Lifeful Sap
- Hypnosis / Stone Wall
Notes: Lifeful Sap is very good for longevity. Stone wall can be used during the road, but IMO it's usually not worth it because the road is best played when it’s fast. I find controlling the pace with hypno a far better strategy. Stone Wall is usually good vs bosses, though.
- Wind Burst
- Tornado
- Bamboozle
- Oshi-Dashi
Notes: Vs bosses Stone Wall and even Chain Heal are good options.
- Water Cutting Lily
- Revitalize
- Aquatic Whirlwind
- Aqua Stone / Iced Stalactite
Notes: AWW is nice for a water prio option. Ice Cubes is also an option if you want a turn 1 water move, but its damage is too low.
- Stone Ball
- Goring
- Base Jump
- Stare / Earth Wave / Soil Steam / Stone Wall
Notes: Last move is pretty much a filler. Stare is a cheap option that helps Kauren and physical teammates achieve KOs. Base Jump and Goring are nice low stamina options. Earth Wave is a mediocre but useful spread move. Stone Wall is good versus bosses.
- Wind Burst
- Hypoxia / Refresh
- Tornado
- Hypnosis
Notes:I like having both Wind Burst and Hypoxia for a low cost and big damage turn one options. Consider refresh more if your Granpah’s trait isn’t Bully. Refresh and Turbo Choreography are some nice options vs bosses.
- Hypoxia
- Resin Trap
- Allergic Spread
- Refresh / Urushiol / Blizzard
Notes: Last slot is really up to you. I like urushiol if I have toxic teammates, or super effective buff bonus. Replace nature moves with Bark Shield and Turbo Choreography if facing the Dino, or replace Hypo with Turbo if facing Volgon (Loali is likely faster at base speed than bosses, but its ally may not be).
- Quetza-leño
- Flaming Meteorite
- Heat up
- Kick / Embers
Notes: Capyre coverage options are pretty bad. Kick damage is quite bad, but prio should never be underestimated.
- Crystal Spikes
- Toxic Gas
- Tortenite's Garden
- Crystal Dust / Quartz Shield / Stone Wall
Notes: If your Tort is Confined, CDust is essential. Otherwise, if you really want to, the defensive buffing moves could be used, but I still prefer CDust. Those are quite good vs Bosses, though. Garden is nice because it can doom for 3 turns with synergy (quite fast) and also heals.
- Plague
- Dust Vortex
- Lifeful Sap
- Sandstorm / Bush
Notes: Lifeful Sap IMO mandatory for longevity. Sandstorm nice as a secondary earth option. Bush can be used to, but I don't think it's as good.
- Mud Shower
- Thunder Strike
- Electric Storm
- Goring
Notes: Goring is great on the road to snipe KOs with prio. Stone Wall can be used instead of electric moves vs Bosses.
- Beta Burst
- Energy Manipulation
- Inner Spirit / Hypnosis
- Virulent Gust / Toxic Ink / Toxic Gas
Notes: Favor Gust if you have water allies. Otherwise, Tink is better. Toxic Gas is also usable I guess. Inner Spirit coverage is great, but Hypnosis is very nice in the road. So it's up to you.
- Feather Gatling
- Stone Ball
- Tornado
- Humiliating Slap / Noxious Bomb / Rockfall
- Wind Burst
- Tornado
- Tsunami
- Sharp Rain
- Crystal Plume Gatling
- Feather Gatling
- Tornado
- Humiliating Slap / Noxious Bomb
- Wind Burst
- Tornado
- Fiery Soul
- Fire Tornado
- Mud Shower
- Hellfire
- Fire Tornado
- Sandstorm
- Toxic Ink
- Nicho Sai
- Iced Stalactite / Waterjet / Ice Shuriken
- Iced Stalactite / Waterjet / Ninja Jutsu / Ice Shuriken
Notes: Tons of possibilities. Just make sure to have at least one water move.
- Thunder Strike
- Aquatic Whirlwind
- Sparks / Water Blade / Electric Storm
- Sparks / Water Blade / Electric Storm
Notes: If you also have other special attackers, sparks is pretty much essential. Even without others, Nessla relaly likes to self buff. Iced Stalactite is also an option if you have other tems that can apply cold. Strangle is nice if you have the overexertion prevention bonus.
- Electropunch
- Charged Iron Fillings
- Piezoelectric Blow / Perfect Jab / Hypnosis
- Piezoelectric Blow / Perfect Jab / Hypnosis
Notes: Piezo prio and power is nice, but 2 hold and high stamina make it a little inconsistent. I like it, but other can be used if you want variety. I guess sparks is also an option if you have special attackers.
- Wastewater
- Water Cannon
- Hypnosis
- Rainbow Guard / Zen Meditation
- Lava Wave
- Meteor Swarm
- Flaming Meteorite
- Major Slash
Notes: Slash coverage is essential to decently damage fire resistant opponents. Rage and Footwork should be used vs bosses. Replacing Swarm and Slash.
- Hook
- Dust Vortex
- Dim Mak
- Petrify / Martial Strike / Rockfall
Notes: Osukai will always be sensei in lairs. Hook and DV are great, but the rest is usually lacking. Dim Mak set damage and prio is nice. Last move is up to you. Will rarely be clicked anyway.
- Toxic Ink
- Hypnosis
- Allergic Spread / Cooperation / Narcoleptic Hit / Sharp Leaf
- Cooperation / Spores / Narcoleptic Hit / Sharp Leaf
Notes: Allergic Spread is MANDATORY if Nid is Tri-Apothecary. Hypno allows Nid to be useful even when matchuped vs Toxics, besides being a nice shut down option in general. Narco Hit can be real nice if you have pillow / energy drink / chamo, but otherwise it's a little risky. Spores can be used to help healing, just like coop. Sharp Leaf may not be completely trash either.
- Beta Burst
- Nagaise's Fury
- Hypnosis
- Psy Surge / Energy Manipulation
Notes: If Deceit Aura, go Psy Surge. Otherwise, go Energy Manipulation. Lullaby is also an option for DA.
- Aqua Bullet Hell
- Crystal Bite
- Ninja Jutsu
- Fluid Barrier / Quartz Shield / Quartz Dirt
Notes: Iced Stalactite is also an option if you have other tems that can apply cold.
- Stone Ball
- Major Slash
- Perfect Jab / Bestial Charge
- Noxious Bomb
Notes: Cooperation is also a viable option. Even sacrifice vs Bosses to raidboss an ally. Or Tat can setup itself with Rage and Turbo Choreography.
- Faraday Cage
- Telekinetic Sharpnel
- Ninja Jutsu
- Frond Whip / Energy Manipulation / Bush
Notes: Vs Bosses, Penance is highly recommended to Setup teammates. Sacrifice too.
- Harmful Microwaves
- Toxic Torrent
- Binary Flood
- Hologram
Notes: KEEP THE TRAIT IN MIND WHEN PLAYING IT. Refresh is very nice vs bosses. Venom Spread can be used if you have teammates that can apply poison ticks (or got the poison at the start bonus).
PROTIP: If you are going to face Tyranak, Pigment Inverter Chromeon would be quite bad vs it. However, if Tyranak is in Intimidator week (trait disable) and you have +ATKs when Super Effective move is used, Chrom can actually hit Volgon decently well while setting up, and then it's still useful after Intimidator is over. This can be done even without that bonus, but then Chromeon is just too weak IMO.
- Tsunami
- Sharp Rain
- Tornado
- Cold Breeze / Blizzard / Ice Shuriken / Noxious Bomb
Notes: If you have wind allies, Wip becomes a freezing monster with cold breeze + tsunami. Specially if you get another Wiplump. If not, a set without 0 hold moves can be used if Wip swaps in during a turn, or you have hurry wart bonus. There are also some other underwhelming but usable options in Ice Shuriken and even Noxious Bomb, but I'd consider them a last resort.
- Water Cutting Lily
- Revitalize
- Frond Whip
- Bush / Sharp Leaf
Notes: Cern's coverage option are not worth IMO. I'd just recommend the tried and true comp moveset. Bush can be replaced by sharp leaf if you are concerned about stamina.
- Quetza-leño
- Meteor Swarm
- Embers / Fire Tornado
- Stampede
Notes: Stampede has the best animation in the game, so must be used.
- Aqua Bullet Hell
- Aquatic Whirlwind
- Toxin Shower / Noxious Bomb / Sharp Rain
- Toxin Shower / Noxious Bomb / Sharp Rain
Notes: Only pick Toxin Shower if you are fine with hitting your own teammates. It's a very nice option if you can do so. I personally like having both Stab options on turn one (specially if super effective bonus is in play), but it's fine if you dislike noxious bomb. Tsunami and Urushiol are also viable if synergies are available.
- Stone Ball
- Goring
- Charge / Earthbreaker / Stampede
- Charge / Earthbreaker / Stampede
Notes: I personally like charge in lair Rhoulder. It's a cheap prio option (which Rhoulder's stamina appreciates). Can snipe some KOs with it. But the last two moves are really up to you. Stone wall is an option vs bosses.
- Cold Geyser
- Aquatic Whirlwind
- Revitalize / Noxious Bomb / Purgation
- Revitalize / Noxious Bomb / Purgation
Notes: Purgation is nice vs bosses. Energy Reserves too! Just be aware that Short Circuit will deny both and Intimidator the latter.
- Thunder Strike
- Fire Tornado
- Magma Cannon
- Cheer Up
Notes: Cheer up makes fire moves accessible on turn 2. Can also help some teammates. If you have "-1 hold at battle start" bonus, then Electric Storm could be better.
- Stone Ball
- Piercing Wheel
- Rockfall / Double Edge
- Jinxed Whisper / Double Edge
Notes: Only go Double Edge if you want to raid boss an ally.
- Uppercut
- Oshi-Dashi
- Charged Iron Fillings
- Sparkling Bullet
Notes: Rage and Showoff are useful vs bosses. Get taser and a neutral teammate if you can, then Golzy will pop off.
- Double-Edge
- Undermine
- Bark
- Refresh
Notes: Maybe nibble isn't complete trash and could replace refresh, but I believe the last move will rarely be clicked anyway, so it's up to you. As said in the tips previously, I really dislike WPD in lairs, so I don't recommend it. Use Double-Edge carefully. Don't hit an opponent if you have a neutral ally in the field (will do pretty much no damage). It will buff enemy defenses, but it has low prio. So it’s a nice option to finish a Tem after your ally softens them up.
- Faraday Cage
- Feather Gattling
- Tornado
- Hologram / Noxious Bomb / Humiliating Slap
Notes: Pay attention to Tuwire's trait. Moveset is the same in either, but they are used in completely different ways. Common Factor can both help and ruin you. I like keeping Common Factor in the back, and bringing it in during a turn to help my ally. Splitter if fine leading.
- Faraday Cage
- Cyberclaw
- Hologram
- Plasma Beam / Digithreat
Notes: Plasma beam burn can be ocasionally useful. Digithreat should only be used if you have synergy. Double Edge can help raidbossing.
- Wastewater
- Digithreat
- Data Burst
- Strangle
Notes: Venom Spread can be used if you also have a teammate who can apply poison ticks (faster than Cycrox >>> prio preferably).
- Tesla Prison
- Tornado
- Sparks
- Electric Storm
Notes: If you are really struggling vs Natures, Noxious Bomb isn’t awful. Can also help vs Tyranak. Turbo Choreography also helps vs bosses.
- Token / Cheer up
- Crystal Bite
- Crystal Deluge
- Blizzard / Debris Typhoon
Notes: Waspeen is quite bad offensively in lairs. Considering the lack of better options, Generify, Chain heal and Hologram are also viable.
End Anak . Lake Start
- Wind Burst / Hypoxia
- Tornado
- Beta Burst
- Energy Manipulation / Bamboozle
Notes: Boss tip: If Barnshe is faster than boss Volgon, it can keep boozling itself while teammate does damage for free. Volgon will always try to TStrike the owl.
- Base Jump
- Crystal Spikes
- Crystal Dust
- Ninja Jutsu / Madness Buff
Notes: If scavenger or fighting bosses, madness buff can replace Ninja Jutsu.
Innki (Specmaster):
- Thunder Strike
- Quartz Dirt
- Sharp Stabs
- Piezoelectric Blow
Notes: Specmaster currently lacks options. Thuder Strike is your main move. I've tried DC Beam for chip damage prio, but it felt bad. I've liked Piezo more. It really appreciates chamomile or sweatband. Bright Beam is also a viable option.
Innki (Physmaster):
- Sparkling Bullet
- Sharp Stabs
- Defibrilate
- Piezoelectric Blow
Notes: If you have many neutral tems, you can drop defribilate for another move of your choice.
Koish (Crystal):
- Crystal Stream
- Water Cannon
- Hypnosis
- Mineral Hail
- Crystal Spikes
- Energy Manipulation
- Psy Surge
- Quartz Dirt / Refresh
Notes: Keep Refresh and bonus hp regens in mind if you are playing Puppet Master Myx.
- Cold Geyser
- Soil Steam
- Earthbreaker
- Iced Stalactite / Waterjet / Double Edge
Notes: Last move will rarely be clicked. Waterjet does slightly more damage and saves some stamina compared to Cold Geyser. Iced Stalactite can be used before a Cold Geyser to freeze for one more turn. Double Edge can buff teammates.
- Plague
- Thunder Strike
- Sparks
- Bright Beam / Allergic Spread
Notes: If Amphy is Relaxed (never seen one in lairs, tho), Bright Beam will allow it to heal a lot (don't equip chamo on it in this case). Even infectious appreciates the evasion, but that one can run Allergic Spread if you like Nature spread damage.
- Hypoxia
- Frond Whip
- Allergic Spread
- Dust Vortex
Notes: Crema, please give Taifu an actual stab. Thank you. That being said, It can run a support based moveset vs Bosses. It has a really vast movepool.
- Harmful Microwaves
- Earth Torrent
- Dust Vortex
- Hologram / Binary Flood / Refresh
- Crystal Spikes
- Sharp Stabs
- Crystal Bite
- Quartz Shield / Major Slash / Sharpening
Notes: Madness Buff is also viable, but quite risky. It’s nice vs Volgon without Short Circuit, however.
0b10 (Source Replicator):
- Tesla Prison / Digithreat / Harmful Microwaves
- Sparks / Tesla Prison / Digithreat / Harmful Microwaves
- Burrow
- Bush
Notes: Honestly, whatever you do will probably work. Burrow is really nice if you can slot itPick what suits your team the best. Just be sure to have some offensive move. Specially early on.
0b10 (Target Replicator):
- Tesla Prison / Harmful Microwaves
- Digithreat / Harmful Microwaves
- Electric Storm / Sparks
- Bush / Sparks
- Wind Burst
- Tornado
- Resin Trap
- Lifeful Sap
- Double Gash
- Hook Kick
- Crystal Bite
- Sharp Stabs
That's all, folks! 